Angles Landing      9 May 2018

I think Angles Landing is the toughest hike in Zion, and I know it is the toughest hike I have ever done.  The hike is only about 5 miles, and the first 2 miles is just a strenuous hike.  The last ½ mile is what is different and deadly.

The hike starts at the river valley floor.  It climbs through a series of switchbacks and enters a canyon.  At the other end of the canyon is something called Walters Wiggles.  The Wiggles are 21 steep switchbacks that lead to Scouts lookout.  This part is a strenuous hike, but it is not that different from other strenuous hikes. 

The next .7 of a mile to Angles Landing is not only  different, it is very dangerious.  It is not a hike; it is a climb.  It goes down for a bit; and then up for a lot.  There is a thin ridge that connects Scouts Lookout to the Landing.  There is basically a 1,000 feet drop off on each side.   The width of the ridge varies, but at one point the entire ridge is less than 5 feet wide.  At many points the trail is a 2-foot wide path chiseled into the side of a sheer cliff.  At many points, there is a heavy-duty chain secured into the rocks, that is available to provide a secure handhold to provide a level of safety.  At several points, the chain is there to provide a means to pull yourself up a near vertical cliff. 

There are no words that can accurately depict the final section of the Angles Landing hike.  I will only add that I fell in love with that chain; and made love to that chain all the way to the top!!!

View a few of the photos and movies I took during hike by clicking here.  


© Jerry Pilson 2018